It seems I’ve been bridging worlds much of my life in one way or another. The writings here are a kind of bridge with the early writings starting in 2007 with articles aimed at Gardening and Aquaponics. I continued to garden but my writing moved more toward Wisdom or Life Lessons and Wellness. After my son’s death by suicide in 2016, Poetry became a big piece of my world as I tried to make sense of the tragedy of his death.

These days my writing is varied. I meet with a group of people where we do journeys and Write With the Fae. I meet with some of the same people in a group where we write to prompts and it can go anywhere. And, I'm studying Druidry, Land Alchemy, and other mystical traditions. Much of this writing will be found under Magic and Mystical.

How do you read this jumble of topics? You can read what’s latest, choose by Topic or you can use the Search function and type in a word and see what comes up. I find this fun when I’m in a funk and need something to shift my thinking. However you read, I hope you enjoy this Bridging of Worlds.

It's the end

It's the end
the story is over.
There will be no more worry.
There will be no more angst.
I'm sorry you couldn't find another way.
I'm sorry life got so hard.
I'm sorry you couldn't see beyond tomorrow.
I'm sorry to let you go.
I'll miss your sense of humor.
I'll miss your amazing photos.
I'll miss watching you finish our garden path.
I'll miss your playful spirit.
I'll miss your tender soul.
I'll miss my son.
I'm proud to have been your Mom.
I'm proud of the man you were.
I'd take another day of worry

Moments to hold onto

The song playing
the one I used to hear
when the stress was at
the max
and it helped me
remember to

Sudden sound
something flashing
at the edge of vision
then climbing high
into the sky
suspended for a moment
then diving down
a hummingbird
a pair of hummingbirds
at play

The brightness
of a flower
just before dusk
somehow seems
to glow
and say, "I'm here"
in the fading light


There are times when growth is right at the surface. Our resistance to seeing the truth can create incredible stress and pain if we allow it. What follows is a series of poems I wrote in one such moment.

What's that fear

Does the fear I feel inside myself
have anything to do with you
or is it really about something inside of me
something which colors my view

I'm starting to think I project
these feelings upon your soul.
The truth, is likely more difficult,
I think I own this hole.

So what's the real risk in knowing?
What I'm unwilling to see
when I start to worry and fret?
What's going on in little old me?

I see my own darkness reflected
in the depth of your beautiful eyes.
To think it must belong to you
is really my secret's own lies.

Life made public

Old Faithful GeyserThe moment of panic,
the moment I realize
I've been baring my soul
and placing it out into the world.
Anyone could read what I write
and know me
better than most people
who are close to me.
It takes sheer will
to continue down this path.
I feel as though I'm