
The end of an era

We lost two neighbors today. They were two large old cherry trees that stood over our back fence. I've sworn at those trees many times when the birds dropped their messy fruit all over my yard. The neighbor has tried to contain the trees over the years by pruning, but that only served to make them rather grotesque in shape.

A hummingbird good morning

This morning I was in the kitchen standing at the sink when suddenly a hummingbird flew right up the window and stopped in front of me. It stayed for only a moment and then moved on. I smiled and wondered what made that hummingbird stop and say good morning.

Over the last two years, I have added a number of plants to my yard that provide nectar for hummingbirds. But they aren't in bloom. With the cold weather we've had, everything is pretty sorry looking at the moment. I guess I'd have to say, it was simply a thank you for all my efforts.